If you are planning to produce an interactive PDF that will contain some form of audio, video, or animation, it's important to understand the limitations of the PDF specifications. Not everyone has Adobe Reader 5 or later installed, which is required to play the basic rich-media file formats available inside a PDF. If you "overbuild" your production, assuming it will work everywhere, you will become frustrated by the complaints you'll soon receive from people who can't view your work as you intended.
Now That You're Rich.pdf
Download: https://vittuv.com/2vFCvS
File format and version incompatibilities, not to mention the "bugs" that slip by Adobe's quality control department, are found in the PDF format. Many multimedia developers to this day have simply abandoned the PDF multimedia format after unsuccessful attempts to produce a working product.
I'll warn you right now: You must move carefully through a minefield to reach your final destination. Use this chapter as a map to learn Adobe's vision for Acrobat and how it gradually grew to become a multimedia application that allows PDF to replace the Web browser. You'll soon understand the reason why many Web page developers and others creating traditional forms of media have classified PDF as a disruptive technology.
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In this article, I'll show you how to combine WordPerfect's PDF and macro features. You'll learnthe basics of publishing to PDF and using PDF styles. You'll create your first macro that generatesa new PDF using the current WordPerfect document.
Notice that .getNumPages() is written in mixedCase, not lower_case_with_underscores as recommended in PEP 8. Remember, PEP 8 is a set of guidelines, not rules. As far as Python is concerned, mixedCase is perfectly acceptable.
First, you assign a new PdfFileReader instance to the pdf_reader variable. You also create a new Path object that points to the file Pride_and_Prejudice.txt in your home directory and assign it to the output_file_path variable.
In the practice_files/ folder in the companion repository for this article, there is a file called zen.pdf. Create a PdfFileReader instance that reads the PDF and use it to print the text from the first page.
Remember that the values in a slice range from the item at the first index in the slice up to, but not including, the item at the second index in the slice. So .pages[1:4] returns an iterable containing the pages with indices 1, 2, and 3.
Sometimes you need to extract every page from a PDF. You can use the methods illustrated above to do this, but PyPDF2 provides a shortcut. PdfFileWriter instances have an .appendPagesFromReader() method that you can use to append pages from a PdfFileReader instance.
The PdfFileMerger class is a lot like the PdfFileWriter class that you learned about in the previous section. You can use both classes to write PDF files. In both cases, you add pages to instances of the class and then write them to a file.
The main difference between the two is that PdfFileWriter can only append, or concatenate, pages to the end of the list of pages already contained in the writer, whereas PdfFileMerger can insert, or merge, pages at any location.
With all of the PDF files in the expense_reports/ directory concatenated in the pdf_merger object, the last thing you need to do is write everything to an output PDF file. PdfFileMerger instances have a .write() method that works just like the PdfFileWriter.write().
To merge two or more PDFs, use PdfFileMerger.merge(). This method is similar to .append(), except that you must specify where in the output PDF to insert all of the content from the PDF you are merging.
Take a look at an example. Goggle, Inc. prepared a quarterly report but forgot to include a table of contents. Peter Python noticed the mistake and quickly created a PDF with the missing table of contents. Now he needs to merge that PDF into the original report.
Concatenating and merging PDFs are common operations. While the examples in this section are admittedly somewhat contrived, you can imagine how useful a program would be for merging thousands of PDFs or for automating routine tasks that would otherwise take a human lots of time to complete.
Notice that the page gets rotated if the index is even. That might seem strange since the odd-numbered pages in the PDF are the ones that are rotated incorrectly. However, the page numbers in the PDF start with 1, whereas the page indices start with 0. That means odd-numbered PDF pages have even indices.
To crop the page, you first need to know a little bit more about how pages are structured. PageObject instances like first_page have a .mediaBox attribute that represents a rectangular area defining the boundaries of the page.
This sets the upper-left corner to the same coordinates that you moved the upper-right corner to when extracting the left side of the page. So, right_side.mediaBox is now a rectangle whose upper-left corner is at the top center of the page and whose upper-right corner is at the top right of the page.
.decrypt() has a single parameter called password that you can use to provide the password for decryption. The privileges you have when opening the PDF depend on the argument you passed to the password parameter.
A PDF preset is a group of settings that affect the process of creating a PDF. These settings are designed to balance file size with quality, depending on how the PDF is used. Most predefined presets are shared across Adobe Creative Cloud applications, including InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and Acrobat. You can also create and share custom presets for your unique output requirements. A saved PDF preset file has the suffix .joboptions.
Review your PDF settings periodically. The settingsdo not automatically revert to the default settings. Applicationsand utilities that create PDFs use the last set of PDF settingsdefined or selected.
Creates PDF files for high-quality print production (for example, for digital printing or for color separations to an imagesetter or platesetter). However, it does not create files that are PDF/X compliant. In this case, the quality of the content is the highest consideration. The objective is to maintain all the information in a PDF file that a commercial printer or print service provider requires to print the document correctly. This set of options uses PDF 1.4, converts colors to CMYK, and downsamples color and grayscale images to 300 ppi and monochrome images to 1200 ppi. It embeds subsets of all fonts and preserves transparency (for file types capable of transparency).
Creates accessible PDF files that include tags, hyperlinks, bookmarks, interactive elements, and layers. This set of options uses PDF 1.6 and embeds subsets of all fonts. It also optimizes files for byte serving. These PDF files can be opened in Acrobat and Reader 7.0 and later. (The Rich Content PDF preset is in the Extras folder).
PDF/X, PDF/E, and PDF/A standards are defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). PDF/X standards apply to graphic content exchange. PDF/E standards apply to the interactive exchange of engineering documents; PDF/A standards apply to the long-term archiving of electronic documents. During PDF conversion, the file that is being processed is checked against the specified standard. If the PDF does not meet the selected ISO standard, you're prompted to either cancel the conversion or create a non-compliant file.
The resolution setting for color and grayscale images should be 1.5 to 2 times the line screen ruling at which the file will be printed. The resolution for monochrome images should be the same as the output device. However, saving a monochrome image at a resolution higher than 1500 dpi increases the file size without noticeably improving image quality. Images that will be magnified, such as maps, may require higher resolutions.
Opens the Image Policy dialog box,where you can set processing options for Color, Grayscale, and Monochromeimages that are less than the resolutions you specify. For eachtype of image, enter a resolution value, and then choose Ignore, WarnAnd Continue, or Cancel Job.
The Fonts options specifywhich fonts to embed in a PDF, and whether to embed a subset ofcharacters used in the PDF. You can embed OpenType,TrueType, and PostScript fonts. Fonts that have license restrictionsare listed with a lock icon . Ifyou select a font that has a license restriction, the nature ofthe restriction is described in the Adobe PDF Optionsdialog box.
Leaves device-dependent colors unchanged and preserves device-independent colors as the nearest possible equivalent. It's a helpful option for print shops that have calibrated their devices, have used that information to specify color in the file, and are only outputting to those devices.
Calibrates color, making it device-independent.Converts CMYK and RGB images to sRGB in PDFs compatible with Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) or later. Converts CMYK and RGB images to calibratedRGB (CalRGB) in Acrobat 3.0 (PDF 1.2) compatible PDFs. Recommendedfor PDFs that will be used onscreen or with low-resolution printers. 2ff7e9595c